Hotel in Eindhoven
Are you looking for a comfortable hotel in Eindhoven? Then discover Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven. Our hotel is located in Eindhoven about 15 minutes' drive from the city centre. Around the corner from the hotel you will find a bus stop with a direct connection to the city centre, taking you to the city centre in 15 minutes. With a location along the A2 motorway, the hotel is thus perfectly situated and easy to reach. It is the ideal base for both business travellers and holidaymakers looking for a hotel near Eindhoven city centre.
Staying in Eindhoven
If you want to stay overnight in Eindhoven because you are holding a meeting in the hotel or in the surrounding area, or because you would like to spend a night or weekend exploring Eindhoven and its surroundings, it is ideal to stay in a hotel near Eindhoven. With spacious and/or renovated rooms and modern facilities such as a gym and swimming pool and 3 delicious restaurants, we offer everything you need for a relaxing overnight stay in Eindhoven. Due to its ideal location, you also have the possibility of various excursions in the surrounding area. For example, dive into the Genneper Parks for a nice walk or cycle ride, visit one of the various museums in the area or of course go into Eindhoven for a day of shopping! Experience for yourself why our hotel is the ideal choice when you want to spend the night in Eindhoven.
Hotel Eindhoven with swimming pool
For those looking for relaxation and refreshment during the hotel stay, Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven offers a beautiful indoor swimming pool. A hotel in Eindhoven with swimming pool offers you relaxation in the lovely warm water and the comfortable sun beds around the pool. Of course, you can also swim some sporty lengths in the pool to start the day well. You can also use the small but nice gym where you can work out or participate in activities on your own.
Golf & Countryclub De Tongelreep
Did you know that our hotel in Eindhoven is also located next to Golf & Countryclub De Tongelreep, perfect if you like to play some golf during your stay. Golf & Countryclub De Tongelreep is only 400 metres walking distance from the hotel and is known for its beautiful and cosy clubhouse, including a 9-hole course with A-status and professional training facilities.
In short, for a hotel in Eindhoven, Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven is the place to be. With a top location and accessibility to the centre of Eindhoven, comfortable rooms and fine facilities, we offer everything you need for a wonderful overnight stay in Eindhoven. Book your stay today!